Friday, 7 November 2014

Week Two Reflective Response


Learning is owned, controlled and managed by students themselves….
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After using the educational tool of a scaffolded wiki for the first time, I realised that it wasn't as daunting as preconceived, but actually quite fun. It was evident that wikis do indeed facilitate collaboration whilst the thinking routine of de Bono’s hats forced one to view the selected topic from a number of perspectives, using analysis and evaluation.  Thoughts were clearly separated into an organised structure where comprehension of the task was straightforward.  
A wiki can greatly support the construction of knowledge via the collaboration between students. It is here were aspects of the topic can be drawn upon in a variety of ways to stimulate and extend ones opinion. The particular scaffolding of this task supported several ways of thinking to extend and challenge ones initial view of the topic. Analysis and evaluation of the topic were required to fulfil the requirements of the task.  By comparing, contrasting and differentiating one’s own opinion with others analysis occurred.

Collaboration is important in sharing valued perspectives due to the rich new knowledge that can emerge from such an experience. Participating in this wiki, as a learner, challenged my preconceived opinion on the topic and allowed me to view the topic is a more constructive light, extending on others viewpoints.  
The characteristics of a wiki are reflective of the theories of cognitivism and social constructivism. This is evident as knowledge is socially constructed through interaction and negotiation of the ideas of others. Cognitivism seemingly aligns with the educational tool of a wiki as knowledge is approached in such a way that students existing knowledge structures are added to via new learning experiences. The new structure thus becomes modified when exposed to new information as each student has a different set of experiences to share.  Social constructivism is heavily drawn upon in a wiki task as students become integrated into a learning community in which collaboration leads to the negotiation of new ideas that are adapted and accommodated based on their level of collaboration and integration. This is where analysis, evaluation and synthesis have potential to take place. Social constructivism is also reflected upon through the scaffolding and support of the wiki task. An opportunity if provided for students to negotiate learning within a collaborative community. Here students take responsibility not only for their own learning, but that of their peers.

When reflecting on my own personal participation in the wiki I enjoyed collaborating via this means of communication. The biggest benefit attached to this mode of communication is the ability to add to it anywhere anytime and view others opinions whilst doing so. Personally I believe this is a great tool for group work. Drawbacks attached to Wikis or any online technology include the constant need for connection. An obvious drawback associated with wikis revolves around the ability for others to override your own work. This, in a group context, with permission and monitoring, is beneficial, however out of this context, losing work is an obvious issue. 

Overall, I have enjoyed being introduced to the educational tool of a wiki and believe it will be an asset to the classroom if used in the correct context. 

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